Domus sanctae marthae
Domus sanctae marthae

domus sanctae marthae

Thus, part of its rationale was as an expression of concern for the poorer inhabitants of the latter. Hence the emergence of the social teaching of the Church at this time.īack in 1891, the distinction between the Vatican and the Borgo was much less explicit and the hospital was intended for inhabitants of both neighbourhoods. However they were privately warned by, among others, St John Bosco that the rejection of Papal government by the ordinary people of Rome was a symptom of a deeper alienation from traditional social attitudes which was proving receptive to nascent socialism. Pope Pius and his successors refused to accept this until 1929, declaring themselves " Prisoners of the Vatican". However, the inhabitants of the former protested vociferously and so the entire city was annexed. When Rome was conquered by the Kingdom of Italy in 1870 and the papal government overthrown, the initial intention of the Italian government was not to annexe the Borgo and Vatican but to leave these under Papal rule. The same year Pope Leo issued his ground-breaking encyclical Rerum novarum, which began the systemisation of Catholic social teaching especially as regards the right relationships between capital and labour. This hospital for the Vatican was begun by Pope Pius IX, and was inaugurated by Leo XIII in 1891. The Ospizio di Santa Marta used to be on the site.

Domus sanctae marthae